Did you know that 70% of all butterfly species in the UK are experiencing a decline in numbers with some species even becoming extinct?
As recently highlighted by Sir David Attenborough, the disappearance of species points to catastrophic environmental damage. Being indicators of a healthy environment and healthy ecosystems, these insects are a vital asset to us.
At our new development in Plymouth; The Quarters, the Burrington Estates New Homes team are encouraging the public to take nature’s pulse, by joining the big butterfly count.
In our show home gardens, we have planted flowers that are rich in pollen and nectar – a perfect home for butterflies. We are also preparing a ‘nature walk’ that will begin work in early 2019 which will include cultivating species of blossoming flowers that will aim to enrich the population of the butterfly.
We are seeking for help, to build a picture of how butterflies and moths are doing in our own neighbourhoods, by taking part in the Big Butterfly Count.
Sit in your garden or the park for 15 minutes and see how many butterflies you see! Please register your results here; https://www.bigbutterflycount.org/
For more information on The Quarters at Manadon Park in Plymouth please visit https://www.burringtonestates.com/new-homes/thequarters/ or to view the show home, please email thequarters@burringtonestates.com