We are incredibly pleased to announce that an investment of £15.5 million has been completed by BGF into Burrington Estates. BGF was set up in 2011 and has invested £2.5 billion in nearly 400 companies, making it the most active investor in the UK
£13.5 million will support the expansion of Burrington Estates New Homes across the South West and the Central Region. £2 million investment has been allocated to Burrington Estates Commercial Development business, which builds business parks containing small business units for sale.
Mark Edworthy, Managing Director of Burrington Estates said: “This investment will help deliver our mission, to create beautiful living and working environments, build enduring communities and to improve quality of lives. BGF’s funding and strategic insight is hugely welcomed in the development of Burrington Estates. We have found real chemistry with the BGF team and look forward to partnering with them in building a flourishing business.”
#businessgrowth #exeterbusiness #bgf #exeter
For more information about Burrington Estates and the home available, please visit www.burringtonestates.com